In addition to the general degree requirements previously stated in this catalog, English majors will meet the following program outcomes:
Outcome 1.
Demonstrate skills in academic research and composition, including composing in a variety of scholarly, critical, and creative styles and genres. (EN 213 , EN 499 )
Outcome 2.
Design and apply a specific critical approach to a text, demonstrating knowledge of the text’s position within major creative and intellectual developments in literature. (EN 278 , EN 499 )
Outcome 3.
Demonstrate ability to tailor rhetorical approaches for different audiences. (EN 350 , EN 499 )
Method of Assessment and Benchmarks:
Data collection for assessment will occur in EN499. The shared English major curriculum includes coursework from both concentrations, Literature and Rhetoric and Writing, and the English capstone likewise involves knowledge in both areas. Students in the capstone will incorporate knowledge in various learning activities, culminating in a substantial academic paper and public presentation. Assessment rubrics will be used to gauge students’ proficiency. With the data collected, we can build upon and address any concerns identified in the capstone. This will enable us to look more broadly at program-wide issues and identify any needed changes in class experiences or assignments, based on trends seen overall.
The assessment rubrics will be filed in the department as part of our academic records for the purpose of generating data to improve our program and make students’ learning experiences more meaningful.
Benchmark for the Outcomes:
- Outcome 1: 80% of students in EN 499 (with 75% accuracy) will demonstrate skills in academic research and composition, including composing in a variety of scholarly, critical, and creative styles and genres, by producing a major paper which combines literary analysis with a relevant non-English disciplinary focus.
- Outcome 2: 80% of students in EN 499 (with 75% accuracy) will design and apply a specific critical approach to a text, producing a major paper which builds upon the existing body of scholarly research and criticism of the selected text or author.
- Outcome 3: 80% of students in EN 499 (with 75% accuracy) will demonstrate the ability to tailor rhetorical approaches for different audiences by producing a major paper for an academic audience, condensing and revising that paper for an oral presentation to a mixed audience, and creating an effective visual presentation to accompany the oral presentation.
Faculty assess students in individual courses through writing assignments, projects, presentations, and exams. Course work prepares students for Senior Seminar (EN 499 ). During this capstone course, students develop an extended research project, which culminates in a substantial scholarly essay and rhetorically adept presentation at the English Colloquium.