Mar 31, 2025  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Information

Academic Programs

The academic programs at Avila University are designed to provide a balance of liberal arts and professional education. Completion of the core requirements, major course work, and electives lead to a baccalaureate degree. Through the Institute for Professional Studies, students may earn one of five degrees. Classes may be taken day, evening, or weekend. Special programs are available to all students and include the opportunity to enroll in a class at some of the area colleges/universities without charge, study abroad, spend a semester at one of the ten colleges sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph, participate in an Avila Study/Enrichment Tour, or study in Washington, D.C. through the Washington Center. Academic credit may also be earned by examination or submission of a portfolio. The academic programs at Avila University reflect our commitment to excellence in teaching and learning.

Undergraduate Degree Programs - Degrees, Majors, and Certificates/Emphasis

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Art Education (K-12 Teacher)
Business Education (9-12 Teacher)
Criminology & Justice Studies
English & Rhetoric
Liberal Arts Studies
Religious Studies & Philosophy

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Chemistry Education (9-12 Teacher)
Cognitive Science
Computer Science
Educational Studies
Elementary Education
Middle School Education
Physical Education (K-12 Teacher)
Professional Health Science
Public Accounting
Radiologic Science
Software Engineering
Special Education
Wellness Studies

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (B.S.B.A.)

Business Administration
Healthcare Administration
International Business
Supply Chain Management

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.)


Bachelor of Social Work (B.S.W.)

Social Work

Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.)


Bachelor of Music (B.M.)



Minors offered in the following major fields:

Advertising/Public Relations
Business Administration
Computer Science
Digital Media
English & Rhetoric
Forensic Science
Graphic Design
Religious Studies

Only a minor is offered in the following areas:

Education - Secondary (9-12 Teacher)

  • Biology
  • English
  • Social Studies
  • Speech/Theatre

Global Studies & Social Justice

Women’s & Gender Studies


Green Theatre Practices
Music Technology
Peace & Conflict Resolution
Theatre for Young Audiences
Workplace Instructional Design
Writing & Rhetoric

Institute for Professional Studies Programs - Degrees, Majors, and Certificate/Emphasis

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Business Administration
Strategic Communication
Human Resources
Liberal Arts Studies

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

Healthcare Management


Workplace Instructional Design

Weekend Course Options

Avila’s Weekend Classes

Avila’s weekend classes are designed for students who find the weekend a convenient and attractive time for learning and study. They are designed to service students who, because of job and family responsibilities, find weekend classes compatible with their lifestyles and goals. The lecture component will be offered over the course of a weekend, while additional online time will be available to complete course assignments and discussions. 

Weekend Options

There are two options for weekend classes from which a student might choose:

  1. Weekend Intensive Classes: classes meet on Fridays from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. and on Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  2. Saturday Classes: classes meet on Saturdays. See the course schedule on MyAU for meeting dates and times.

Weekend Policies

Weekend Intensive and Saturday-Only Classes:

  • Weekend Intensive and Saturday-only Withdrawal and Refund Policy.
  • Weekend intensive courses require readings prior to the beginning of the class, and students may be tested on that material during the first evening of class. Students may obtain a copy of the reading assignment on Canvas.
  • Students are required to attend all sessions of a weekend intensive or Saturday-only course. Missing any part of the class may result in either reduction of the final grade or assignment of “F” as the final course grade. Students who cannot attend all sessions should not enroll in a weekend intensive course or should withdraw from the class.
  • The Credit/No Credit grade option is available to students for special session courses. For a one-credit hour course, this grading option must be contracted prior to the beginning of the course. If more than one credit hour, this grading option must be contracted prior to the second meeting of the course.

Special Programs

Honors Program

Avila University has an Honor’s Program.  For more information contact the Honor’s Program Director, Dr. Kelly Watson at 816-501-3645.

Student Exchange Programs

The Sisters of St. Joseph College Consortium Student Exchange Program offers students the opportunity to enrich their educational experience at one or more of the eight consortium institutions. For more information regarding eligibility, approval, and deadline dates, contact the Registration and Student Records Office.

KCASE (Kansas City Area Student Exchange)

The KCASE program allows students enrolled for at least twelve credit hours at Avila, with written permission of their advisor and the Registrar, to take one course per semester at most colleges which belong to the Kansas City Area Student Exchange (KCASE). There is no payment of additional tuition. Only lab or special course fees must be paid at the college where the course is taken. Some of the colleges have restrictions on courses and programs offered. This exchange program does not apply to summer sessions. Students must complete both a KCASE request form and a Request to Enroll Off-Campus form. For additional information, contact the Registration and Student Records Office.

The Washington Center

Students interested in the operations of the government and the private sector are encouraged to participate in a special program that is sponsored by Avila University in conjunction with the Washington Center, a nonprofit educational organization located in Washington, D.C. Students can do semester-long internships giving them practical, hands-on experience at a variety of institutions and agencies including the Congress, the Justice Department, the State Department, and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Students can also participate in one, two, or three week symposia/seminars on timely issues and topics facing the country.

Avila Study/Enrichment Tours

National and international tours are led by Avila faculty throughout the academic year providing learning and travel experiences for students, alumni, and friends of Avila. Persons may participate in these tours for academic credit. Tour schedules are available in the Academic Affairs Office.

Study Abroad

Avila students interested in earning credit while studying abroad are encouraged to participate in the Study Abroad program. Avila University has affiliated with Webster University and Butler University to offer study abroad opportunities in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, England, Germany, Ghana, Greece, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Peru, the Republic of Ireland, Scotland, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, and Wales. Study Abroad students interested in information about study abroad should contact the Study Abroad Director, Dr. Kelly Watson at 816-501-3645.

Dual High School-College Credit

College credits earned through a dual high school-college program will be accepted as transfer credit provided that the college/university granting the credit is an accredited, degree-granting institution. These credits will be evaluated to determine whether the courses meet general education, program major, or elective requirements. The evaluation criteria and policies for dual credit will be the same as those used for transfer credit at Avila University. Students who earn credit through a dual high school-college program must have an official transcript sent to the Avila University Registration and Student Records Office from the college/university granting the credit.

Those high school students who have finished either their sophomore or junior year in high school qualify to take classes at Avila University as dual-enrollee students. No student who has graduated from high school qualifies as a dual enrollee student.

4 + 1 Options

Through early acceptance to select undergraduate “4+1” degree programs, outstanding Avila undergraduate students may earn a bachelor’s and master’s degree in as few as 5 years. Students accepted to a “4+1” program may earn up to 50% of credit hours at the graduate level to be counted toward both the bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Once admitted, a 3.0 GPA in all undergraduate and graduate coursework must be maintained, with no grades below a “B” at the graduate level. Failure to meet these minimum requirements will result in removal from the “4+1” program. Under exceptional circumstances, academic advisors may submit a Graduate Academic Exception Request form, to accept one dual-credit course grade of “C” and retain the student in the undergraduate “4+1” program.  Students may also submit a Graduate Grade Appeal Form to appeal a final grade received in a course. Undergraduate “4+1” students, seeking to complete their Master’s degree without interruption, should apply for early graduate school admission during their final semester. More information may be found within participating programs.

Non-Traditional Credit Options


Avila University recognizes that learning can take place in settings other than classrooms. Academic credit is granted for this type of knowledge provided that it meets Avila’s criteria. The maximum number of hours accepted for all types of non-traditional credit, such as CLEP, credit for prior learning, correspondence, departmental challenge tests, etc., will not exceed 25% of the minimum hours specified for each degree program. This limit will not apply to programs which grant credit for structured learning from accredited programs in healthcare with demonstration of competency by registration/certification from a national accrediting agency.

Credits earned through transfer, prior learning portfolio, correspondence, military service, or University Level Examination Program (CLEP) do not count as part of the final 30 hours of consecutive resident credit hours required for a degree at Avila University. Persons wishing to earn non-traditional credit must be currently enrolled at Avila University.


College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Specific CLEP examinations are accepted by Avila University. A student should check with the Registrar before taking an examination to determine its acceptability. CLEP tests are not administered by Avila University. They must be taken at another site and the results sent to the University.

A student who has CLEP credit on another institution’s transcript and wants that credit transferred must request that an official copy of the test score(s) be sent to the Avila University Registrar. Credit will be granted for those courses with scores meeting the Avila criteria for CLEP examinations.

Dantes Subject Standardized Tests (DSST)

Specific DSST examinations are accepted by Avila University. A student should check with the Registrar before taking an examination to determine its acceptability. DSST tests are not administered by Avila University. They must be taken at another site and the results sent to the University.

A student who has DSST credit on another institution’s transcript and wants that credit transferred must request that an official copy of the test score(s) be sent to the Avila University Registrar. Credit will be granted for those courses with scores meeting the Avila criteria for DSST examinations.

Departmental Examinations

Departmental Examinations for credit are administered at the discretion of each department and may be challenged as often as permitted by departmental policy. The university presumes that persons seeking such credit are sufficiently knowledgeable in the area to be tested to preclude any pretest tutorial service. Students interested in registering for departmental examinations should contact the specific department for further information. Forms and procedures are available in the Registration and Student Records and Academic Affairs Offices. The fee for departmental examination is 30% of the current part-time tuition per credit hour. At the time of application, a nonrefundable payment of one-half of the fee to be charged for the credit to be earned by examination is due. Persons desiring credit by examination must be currently enrolled at Avila University.

Advanced Placement Credit

This credit is awarded to students who have earned satisfactory scores on Advanced Placement Examination of the College Entrance Examination Board during high school. To receive credit, official scores must be sent to the Registrar. Eligible credit will be awarded after the student begins attending Avila University. Additional information can be obtained from the Registrar.

International Baccalaureate Program

This program is a comprehensive and rigorous two-year curriculum, leading to examinations, for students aged between sixteen and nineteen. Students successfully completing all or parts of the program will receive the Diploma and/or Certificate from the International Baccalaureate Program. Students who earn the Diploma and/or Certificate must have an official transcript forwarded to the Registrar at Avila University. For information on credit granted through Avila University, students need to contact the Registrar.

Correspondence Credit

Nine semester hours of correspondence credit from accredited, degree-granting institutions will be accepted toward a degree.

Credit for Military Personnel

Avila University is a participant in the Yellow Ribbon Program. Military personnel and veterans will be granted credit for military service and college-level work completed in Military Service Schools or Regionally Accredited Colleges and Universities. Six hours of P.E. credit will be granted at no cost to a student upon presentation of DD 214/295 showing the minimum of one year of military service. Some credit may be awarded for military courses. Submit a transcript of military courses completed for evaluation. No credit will be awarded for Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) training or job experience. Avila accepts several kinds of non-traditional credit including Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, the College Level Examination Courses (CLEP) and Dantes Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) in accordance with University policy. Military personnel and veterans should submit official transcripts and/or official scores on standardized tests to the Registration and Student Records Office to be evaluated for credit toward a degree.

Credit for Prior Learning

Avila provides academic credit for prior learning which parallels department curricula based upon documentation presented in a structured portfolio. Students interested in applying for prior learning credit should consult their advisors for detailed information. Procedures and forms can be obtained in the Academic Affairs Office. Upon approval, a grade of CR (Credit) and credit hours are assigned. The fee for prior learning credit is 30% of current part-time tuition per credit hour.

Continuing Education

Courses at Avila University may be taken for continuing education on a space-available basis. Since no academic credit is awarded, students are not required to meet the admission requirements of the university. A stipulation of the continuing education option is mandatory class attendance. The level of class participation for continuing education is determined by the individual instructor.

Enrollment for this option begins in the Registration and Student Records Office at Blasco Hall during published in-person registration days and times. Enrollment in a lower division course for continuing education requires the appropriate prerequisites but does not require departmental approval. Enrollment in an upper-division course (course numbered 310 or above) on the continuing education option must have the approval of the department offering the course. A signature from a departmental representative is required. If a student withdraws from a course taken for continuing education, a refund will be granted according to the time frame for part-time students minus a $10 administrative fee.