Conceptual Framework for the School of Education
In addition to the general degree requirements stated earlier in this university catalog, education majors and minors must meet the following ten program outcomes identified in the Conceptual Framework. These outcomes are aligned with the Missouri Teacher Standards. These outcomes are designed to produce excellent teachers who meet the university and School of Education missions. A full text copy of the School of Education Conceptual Framework, including outcomes assessment information, is available in the School of Education office and on the School of Education web-site.
Outcome 1: Professional Communication
Candidates will demonstrate strong competencies in the communicative arts including exemplary use of oral, written, nonverbal, technological communication and group processing skills with professors, students, colleagues, administrators, parents and others in the educational arena.
Outcome 2: Critical Reflection and Decision Making
Candidates will exhibit critical reflection on practice and display exemplary decision making skills including higher level thinking, evaluative thinking and problem solving in both university classrooms and in K-12 schools.
Outcome 3: Professional Dispositions
Candidates will demonstrate appropriate professional dispositions toward self, students, colleagues, administrators, and parents. Candidates’ professional dispositions will foster positive human relationships and demonstrate respect for the profession and the responsibilities it entails.
Outcome 4: Content Expertise and Standards Based Curricular Alignment
Candidates will demonstrate content expertise and ability to align content and curriculum to appropriate standards.
Outcome 5: Instructional and Assessment Methods
Candidates will demonstrate appropriate use of varied research-based teaching strategies and technologies to deliver effective lessons. Candidates will design and demonstrate appropriate use of varied assessments for promoting and measuring the learning of all students.
Outcome 6: Diversity Knowledge and Commitment
Candidates will understand and recognize differences in students who represent various categories of diversity. Candidates will demonstrate ability and commitment to promoting the intellectual and personal growth of all students.
Outcome 7: Human Behavior, Motivation and Classroom Management
Candidates will use theoretical knowledge and research about learning and human behavior to create motivating learning experiences, manage the classroom and respond appropriately to classroom events.
Outcome 8: Field Experiences and Clinical Practice
Candidates will fully grasp the realities of classrooms by applying principles, theories, and methods in diverse field-based and clinical experiences.
Outcome 9: Leadership and Service
Candidates will demonstrate a commitment to lead and serve in an ethical manner through interactions at the university and in school-based communities.
Outcome 10: Foundation for Continued Professional Development
Candidates will establish a foundation for continued professional growth and development.
Alignment matrices showing the relationship between Conceptual Framework Outcomes and Missouri Teacher Standards are available in the School of Education office. Alignment matrices showing the relationship between course signature assessments and Conceptual Framework outcomes and Missouri Standards are also available in the School of Education office. Individual course syllabi show the ways the courses address and evaluate University Wide Outcomes and Missouri Teacher Standards.