In addition to general degree requirements stated in this university catalog, Software Engineering majors will be expected to meet the following program outcomes.
Outcome 1.
Demonstrate a high level of programming skills (CS 120 , CS 222 , CS 165 , CS 313 , CS 166 , CS 314 )
Outcome 2.
Understand computer architecture, operating systems, networks, and other key components that support creation and execution of software systems (CS 245 , CS 315 , CS 321 , CS 340 , CS 365 )
Outcome 3.
Be proficient in the use of software engineering processes (SF 201 , CS 346 , SF 350 , CS 499 )
Outcome 4.
Understand the professional requirements associated with being a practicing software engineer (CS 195 , SF 201 , CS 495 )
The outcomes for the Software Engineering major are assessed through a combination of written and performance examinations, written and performance assignments, internship supervisor evaluations and a completed capstone project. SF 499 requires a senior capstone project to be designed, completed and then presented to Computer Science Department faculty.