Feb 15, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Student Policies

Student Code of Conduct

As a Catholic University, sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, Avila maintains a position that its educational role is more than an exchange of knowledge and the pursuit of wisdom. Avila is committed to the educational development of the total person and seeks to develop an environment conducive to academic endeavors, social, spiritual, personal, and physical growth with an emphasis on individual self-discipline and responsibility. The Student Code of Conduct serves to create an environment in which students have the best chance to learn, to study, to grow as members of our campus community and the greater global community. This Student Code of Conduct allows members of our diverse community to live in harmony, to interact effectively, and to learn from each other.

The University operates from a value system in which caring, sharing, and respect are paramount. While we value diversity and seek to serve all segments of society, we do not aspire to be only a reflection of society. We seek higher goals, with higher values, and higher standards. This is the community that you have chosen, one that expects more from itself, more from one another, and more from you.

It is the intent of this code to set forth in a clear, concise, and uniform manner the expectations of students who join the University community and to set forth administrative and judicial procedures whereby those who are accused of violating the rules may be afforded due process.

A complete explanation of the Student Code of Conduct, student policies, and the discipline process is available in the Avila University Student Handbook. Handbooks are available online through the Avila University website at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BB9hay3QXF-S8wp6NiiIA6ZDjvsK56ii/view.

Some key student policies are listed below with a complete listing available in the Avila University Student Handbook.

Alcohol and Drug Policy

The misuse of alcohol and other drugs pose major health problems, are potential safety and security problems, can adversely affect academic and job performance, and can generally inhibit the educational development of students. Avila University, therefore, prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of illicit* drugs and alcohol. This applies to all premises or property, or as part of any official student activity, associated with Avila University. Refer to the Student Handbook for further details and clarification.

*Illicit drugs include illegal drugs (such as cannabis, opiates, and certain types of stimulants), pharmaceutical drugs (such as pain-killers and tranquilizers) when used for non-medical purposes, and other substances used inappropriately (such as inhalants). Avila University’s Alcohol and Drug Policy is an awareness and prevention program in compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1986 and as amended in 1989. This policy will be distributed annually to each university employee and each university student currently enrolled.

Identification Cards (ID)

All students are required to have an official, validated Avila University ID card. Students shall present their ID card upon request of an authorized official for services, admittance to activities, events, and the use of some facilities. ID cards are required for students on a meal plan to access food service and for resident students to access the residence halls. Some local businesses grant discounts to students who present a valid ID. ID cards must be validated each semester that a student is enrolled at Avila. Replacement ID cards are available at a cost of $20. For more information or for a schedule of times for the ID service, please contact Campus Safety at (816) 501-2466.

Personal Property Losses

The University is not responsible for the loss or damage to property owned by students or their guests, regardless of the cause.

Residency Requirement

Avila University believes in its responsibility to ensure that each new student is given maximum opportunity to succeed academically, developmentally, and socially. This can best be accomplished through a total integration of the University’s environment and residence on campus. Therefore, all full-time, single first-year and sophomore students under the age of 21 are required to live in University residence halls if they are not residing with parents or legal guardians within a commutable distance from campus. Housing is available to part-time students pending availability and approval of the Vice President of Student Affairs. Contact the Residence Life Office at (816) 501-3748 for further information or exceptions to this policy.

Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment, Sexual Violence, Relationship and Interpersonal Violence and Stalking Policy

Avila University, a Catholic University sponsored by the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondelet, is committed to creating and maintaining a community in which all persons who participate in Avila University’s programs and activities can work together in an atmosphere free from all forms of harassment, abuse, assault, exploitation, or intimidation. Sexual misconduct or harassment are unacceptable and will not be tolerated at Avila University. Accordingly, Avila University urges an individual to make a formal report if that individual is the victim of sexual misconduct or harassment, has knowledge of another person being the victim of sexual misconduct or harassment, or believes in good faith that he/she has witnessed a possible warning sign of sexual misconduct or harassment. A report of sexual misconduct or harassment will be dealt with promptly. Confidentiality will be maintained to the greatest extent possible.

Further, Avila University is committed to non-discrimination and equal opportunity to its students including, but not limited to, recruitment, admissions, financial aid, educational policies, placement services, housing, athletics, sponsorship, conduct of co-curricular activities, and other University administered programs and services.

These policies for students, faculty, and staff are to be administered without regard to sex, race, religion, age, color, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or national origin. The University operates from a value system in which caring, sharing and respect are paramount. While we value diversity and seek to serve all segments of society, we do not aspire to be only a reflection of society. We seek higher goals, with higher values, and higher standards. This is the community that you have chosen; one that expects more from itself, more from one another, and more from you.

It is the intent of this policy to set forth in a clear, concise and uniform manner the expectations of students, faculty & staff who are a part of the University community and to set forth administrative and judicial procedures whereby those involved in gender-based misconduct may be treated fairly.

Additional Information, Resources, and Policy Statement

Weapon’s Policy

Avila University is an institution of higher education located on private property that forbids concealed carry or possession of weapons on University property. This is in compliance with Missouri statute 571.030.

Firearms, guns, knives, swords, arrows, or any weapons or hazardous materials, or any item resembling a weapon are strictly forbidden. Possession of any of these items at a University-sponsored event, whether on or off-campus, is also prohibited. Exemptions to this policy may be allowed for University-sponsored activities or sanctioned events and will be explicitly allowed by the appropriate University Vice President.

If you are uncertain about whether an item you possess is in violation of this policy, you should inquire with Campus Safety prior to bringing the item on campus. Any object used or threaten to be used to cause bodily harm can be classified as a weapon and may fall under additional disciplinary actions.